On this course you will learn:

  • What causes couples to grow apart and lies behind many failed marriages.
  • Ways to help you determine if a person is right for you—before you start a relationship or marriage.
  • Tools that you can use to restore communication between husband and wife—to build a happy, fulfilling and long-lasting marriage.

Course Overview

Where once the family was the stable foundation upon which all else was built, today its shattered remnants are the source of much of what troubles society. And while marriages still outnumber divorces, the gap is rapidly closing. Marriage is well on the way to becoming a failed institution.

L. Ron Hubbard wrote extensively on interpersonal relationships and much of it is applicable to this most personal of relationships. In this course you will discover methods to make a marriage work, why many marriages fail, how to discover if partners are well suited to each other, and how to save a failing marriage.

While our magazines are filled with the advice of “pop” psychologists, the trend has only worsened. Here are real solutions—workable solutions—that can be applied to improve any intimate relationship.


Course Details

Ease of Study

This course is laid out in a step-by-step manner, with a sequence of reading assignments and practical exercises.

Before you begin, you create your own personal account on the Scientology website. Once logged in, the online program will guide you through each step of the course to full completion, with all course materials provided from within the Scientology website.

Length of Course

4 to 5 hours. You may, however, do the course at your own pace. In other words, it is not timed. The course is our service to you, free of charge.


Booklet: Marriage
or The Scientology Handbook

Your course materials are also integrated within the online course. In other words, once logged on, you may read the materials from within the online course program as you do each step. We do, however, recommend that you download for free or purchase the booklet, to review and refer to when you are not logged into the course program.


If at any time you need assistance with your course assignments, do not hesitate to contact your online course supervisor, whom you can reach using the “Need help?” button in your online course program. The online course supervisor will help to ensure you understand and achieve the maximum benefit from the course materials. The end result is that you are fully able to apply the data contained therein.